Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Very First Poem

Some become your friends because you are cool
Some become your friends because it is useful
Others because you can be a tool
Some simply because you are a fool 

Quite a few are friends because of the money
Through you they seek the land of milk, sugar and honey
I’ve got friends who are always on my frequency
In my heart for them exists a permanent tenancy
I have some friends whose speciality it is to give
I have others who core competence is to receive
For the former I pray to be able to reciprocate
The latter always aggravate 

Some of my friends are there for what they can get
Others are there, in spite of the pain and hurt
I have a few friends, chock full of wisdom
To protect them I am willing to consider martyrdom 

In theory some people are your friends
In practice it's all pretence
Such friends you have to pray for wisdom
And run from their friendship to your freedom 

Some friendships were doomed from the onset
Others by their nature must be covert
Some friendships we covet
Yet others we stick to like a limpet 

I thought my best friends were the ones I had from childhood
But found out that best friends could also be made in adulthood
My friends on Facebook form my online neighbourhood
And warm my heart the way a real hood should 

I remember the friends who used to call every day
To speak at length until we had nothing to say
When they saw that things weren’t going my way
Off they went and now our friendship is in decay 

Some of my most cherished friends are full of advice
Most of them have a vice
Even though none of them is perfect
My affection towards them it does not affect 

So if you have a friend you care about
Turn to them and give them a shout
Let them know how much you appreciate
Their friendship others try to approximate

Inspired by and dedicated to, the Letterkenny Pirate and the Geneva Mafia :-)

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